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The Master and Servant Model: How to Approach Goals and Time Management

Simplifying Goal-Setting and Decision-making for a More Effective Motivation

Mike Sturm
6 min readAug 24, 2018


Simply changing the way that you look at a problem can drastically change how effective you are at solving it. As Steven Covey reminds us in his 7 Habits: the map is not the territory. When you change the way you look at something, an entirely new set of possible actions opens up to you — a new approach — that you didn’t have before. Often, a change in view — a new map — is the first and most effective step in effectively navigating the territory.

So here’s a new map for the way you approach the territory of managing your goals and working toward them day to day. For lack of a better way to describe it, I call it the “Servant and Master” approach.

Two Kinds of Work, Two Kinds of People

One of the most useful things you can do when it comes to productivity is to set aside different kinds of time for different kinds of work. During the industrial revolution, we made huge gains by doing this in factories. It’s fairly easy to do when work is physical in nature.

But with the advent of knowledge work, all of our work has washed together into general “stuff to do”. It all looks…



Mike Sturm

Creator: — A simpler personal productivity system. Writing about productivity, self-improvement, business, and life.